The North Shore Center for Attachment

Change Through Connection.


With endless options for therapeutic support, we strive to offer services with integrity and an understanding of the art and science of human change and development. Our skilled team of therapists and consultants offer treatment for a variety of mental health issues that combines evidence-informed, skill-based interventions with the transformative power of attachment science.

NSCA’s counselling services are comprehensive and address needs along the continuum of human development—from resiliency and prevention, childhood and adolescent development, adult and relational life transitions. Our team of therapists share the core belief that individual health is shaped within the quality of our relationships. Using attachment science and developments in interpersonal neurobiology, we understand that how we are loved and love others is connected directly to our mood, identity and self worth, the quality of our relationships, and performance in all developmental domains.

At NSCA we do human development differently.




Transformative personal



Move from defense to



Create secure and sustained


You might be wondering…


What is attachment and how is it used in therapy? 


When people see the word “attachment,” thoughts of neediness and dependence come to mind. When we talk about attachment theory as it pertains to therapy, we mean a treatment rooted in relational neuroscience that promotes greater independence, autonomy and optimal human development. This specialized form of counselling focuses on overall development and the influence of primary relationships and formative life experiences in shaping core beliefs, emotional regulation and behavioural change. We employ this therapeutic method to treat anxiety, depression, suicidality, self-harm, eating disorders, OCD, mood disorders, trauma and other mental health symptoms.

 Why should I talk about my emotions?


We now know that our actions are largely guided by our emotions, not logic. To improve outcomes and have more choice available to us, it’s vital to understand the source of emotions and how to effectively manage them. Connecting to our emotions also supports our relationships and produces lasting behavioural change.

Why should I talk about
the past?


Contrary to popular belief, the past is not in the past. We need to process these emotional experiences or they may show up in our core beliefs, behaviours or relationships.


Why should I consider

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Therapy is often pursued when clients are already in crisis. By focusing on prevention, we are giving you the opportunity to adopt the skills and tools needed to promote resilience and prevent emotional crisis.


When should I expect to feel
a change?

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By challenging the familiar and bringing awareness to dysfunctional behaviours, we typically see patients begin to feel and see change within 4-6 weeks. Efficient and lasting change is supported by a consistent commitment to treatment planning and the therapeutic process.


Why should I focus on my relationships in therapy?


Individual wellness is embedded in collective wellness, so we encourage a focus on relationships to ensure your system (and everyone within it) are functioning optimally.